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GAUSSFFT convolves an image IMG with Gaussian kernels via FFT.


function varargout = gaussFFT(img, sigma, varargin)


 GAUSSFFT convolves an image IMG with Gaussian kernels via FFT.
 Kernels with SIGMA smaller than 0.4 pixel will be neglected since the
 algorithm gets very slow and thus not suited for small scales.

   img         image to be convolved
   sigma       kernel parameter of length 1 or 2
   varargin    first optional argument can be a look-up table for fft2
               computational costs in order to predict optimal image
               sizes (vector format),
               all other arguments are kernel names, possible names are:
                 'Gx', 'Gy',
                 'Gxx', 'Gyy', 'Gxy',
                 'x2G', 'y2G', 'xyG'

   varargout   convolved images, corresponding to one kernel each

   img = zeros(512);
   img(150, 100) = 1;
   fftResult = gaussFFT(img, 20, 'G');
   imshow(fftResult, []);

 See also: buildScaleSpace, omega

   No warranty for validity of this implementation.

   Falko Schindler (falko.schindler@uni-bonn.de)
   Department of Photogrammetry
   Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation
   University of Bonn
   Bonn, Germany

 Copyright 2009-2009


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = gaussFFT(img, sigma, varargin)
0002 % GAUSSFFT convolves an image IMG with Gaussian kernels via FFT.
0003 %
0004 % Kernels with SIGMA smaller than 0.4 pixel will be neglected since the
0005 % algorithm gets very slow and thus not suited for small scales.
0006 %
0007 % Input:
0008 %   img         image to be convolved
0009 %   sigma       kernel parameter of length 1 or 2
0010 %   varargin    first optional argument can be a look-up table for fft2
0011 %               computational costs in order to predict optimal image
0012 %               sizes (vector format),
0013 %               all other arguments are kernel names, possible names are:
0014 %                 'G',
0015 %                 'Gx', 'Gy',
0016 %                 'Gxx', 'Gyy', 'Gxy',
0017 %                 'x2G', 'y2G', 'xyG'
0018 %
0019 % Output:
0020 %   varargout   convolved images, corresponding to one kernel each
0021 %
0022 % Example:
0023 %   img = zeros(512);
0024 %   img(150, 100) = 1;
0025 %   fftResult = gaussFFT(img, 20, 'G');
0026 %   imshow(fftResult, []);
0027 %
0028 % See also: buildScaleSpace, omega
0029 %
0030 % Warranty:
0031 %   No warranty for validity of this implementation.
0032 %
0033 % Author:
0034 %   Falko Schindler (falko.schindler@uni-bonn.de)
0035 %   Department of Photogrammetry
0036 %   Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation
0037 %   University of Bonn
0038 %   Bonn, Germany
0039 %
0040 % Copyright 2009-2009
0043 %% get two values for sigma not smaller than 0.4
0044 % duplicate a single value
0045 if numel(sigma) == 1
0046     sigma = [sigma, sigma];
0047 end
0048 % neglect small values
0049 sigma = sigma .* (sigma >= 0.4);
0051 %% pad and transform image
0052 % image padding in spatial domain, depending on sigma
0053 padding = 4;
0054 % default size of padding
0055 pad = round(sigma * padding);
0056 % use LUT
0057 if isnumeric(varargin{1})
0058     % use LUT for fft2 computational times
0059     time = varargin{1};
0060     varargin = varargin(2:end);
0061     % minimum size of padding
0062     padMin = round(sigma * padding);
0063     % maximum size of padding
0064     padMax = (2.^ceil(log2(2 * padMin + size(img))) - size(img)) ./ 2;
0065     % optimal size of padding
0066     pad = zeros(1, 2);
0067     for dim = 1 : 2
0068         % possible image sizes
0069         sizes = size(img, dim) + 2 * (padMin(dim) : padMax(dim));
0070         % fastest image size
0071         [~, idx] = min(time(sizes <= numel(time)));
0072         % optimal padding
0073         if ~isempty(idx), pad(dim) = (sizes(idx) - size(img, dim)) / 2; end
0074     end
0075 end
0076 % signal f: padded image
0077 f = img([ones(1, pad(1)), 1 : size(img, 1), end * ones(1, pad(1))], ...
0078         [ones(1, pad(2)), 1 : size(img, 2), end * ones(1, pad(2))]);
0079 % Fast Fourier Transformation of the image
0080 F = fft2(f);
0081 % size of padded image
0082 N = size(F);
0084 %% gaussians Hc for rows and columns separately
0085 % transition function: gaussians
0086 Hc = cell(1, 2);
0087 % build them for rows and columns separately
0088 for dim = 1 : 2
0089     % circular repetitions in frequency domain
0090     if sigma(dim) > 0
0091         nShah = ceil(6 / sigma(dim));
0092     else
0093         nShah = 0;
0094     end
0095     % multiple repetitions of each pixel
0096     [j, n] = ndgrid(-nShah : nShah, 0 : N(dim) - 1);
0097     % gaussian value at each position
0098     Hc{dim} = exp(- 2 .* (sigma(dim) .* pi .* (j + n ./ N(dim))).^2);
0099 end
0100 % sum over all repetitions
0101 Hy_temp = sum(Hc{1}, 1);
0102 Hx_temp = sum(Hc{2}, 1);
0103 % normalization (divide by N, so it won't have to be done when using fft2
0104 % instead of ifft2)
0105 Hy = Hy_temp ./ Hy_temp(1, 1) ./ N(1);
0106 Hx = Hx_temp ./ Hx_temp(1, 1) ./ N(2);
0108 %% construct kernels
0109 % see handwritten notes
0110 dy  = - 1i *      sin(2 * pi * (0 : N(1) - 1) ./ N(1));
0111 dx  =   1i *      sin(2 * pi * (0 : N(2) - 1) ./ N(2));
0112 dyy = - 2 * (1 - cos(2 * pi * (0 : N(1) - 1) ./ N(1)));
0113 dxx = - 2 * (1 - cos(2 * pi * (0 : N(2) - 1) ./ N(2)));
0114 for k = 1 : length(varargin)
0115     switch varargin{k}
0116         case 'G',   H =  Hy'         *  Hx;
0117         case 'Gy',  H = (Hy .* dy)'  *  Hx;
0118         case 'Gx',  H =  Hy'         * (Hx .* dx);
0119         case 'Gyy', H = (Hy .* dyy)' *  Hx;
0120         case 'Gxx', H =  Hy'         * (Hx .* dxx);
0121         case 'Gxy', H = (Hy .* dy)'  * (Hx .* dx);
0122         case 'y2G', H = (Hy .* dyy)' *  Hx         * sigma(1)^4 + ...
0123                          Hy'         *  Hx         * sigma(1)^2;
0124         case 'x2G', H =  Hy'         * (Hx .* dxx) * sigma(2)^4 + ...
0125                          Hy'         *  Hx         * sigma(2)^2;
0126         case 'xyG', H = (Hy .* dy)'  * (Hx .* dx)  * prod(sigma)^2;
0127         otherwise,  error 'gaussFFT: unknown kernel name';
0128     end
0129     % fft convolution (inverse fft transformation via ifft, normalization
0130     % is already done)
0131     G = real(fft2((F .* H)')');
0132     % crop result
0133     varargout{k} = G(pad(1) + 1 : end - pad(1), pad(2) + 1 : end - pad(2)); %#ok<AGROW>
0134 end

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