< Master index Index for 13-Two-View-Geometry\Functions >

Index for 13-Two-View-Geometry\Functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 gaussFFTGAUSSFFT convolves an image IMG with Gaussian kernels via FFT.
 generate_point_pair% generate_point_pair
 get_image_windowget_image_window: cuts image subwindow from large one at given position
 measure_PointThis function enables the user to measure points in an image
 measure_homologeous_PointsThis function enables the user to measure homologous points in two
 plot_ellipse_mcplot ellipse from mean and covariance matrix
 plot_line_into_imageplot a line into an image if possible with error bound
 principal_distance_from_F% principal_distance_from_F: determina single c from fundamental matrix
 structure_tensor% determine structure tensor from image patch

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