< Master index Index for General-Functions\SUGR\Point_2D >

Index for General-Functions\SUGR\Point_2D

Matlab files in this directory:

 sugr_Point_2D% Create 2D point
 sugr_construct_footpoint_Ol_Point_2D% Foot point from 2D origin O to uncertain line l
 sugr_construct_footpoint_xl_Point_2D% Foot point from Point_2D x onto line l
 sugr_construct_intersection_Point_2D% Intersection 2D point two lines l and m
 sugr_construct_mean_Point_2Dsugr_construct_mean_Point_2D: mid point of two 2D points
 sugr_construct_midpoint_Point_2D% Mid point of two 2D points
 sugr_estimation_algebraic_Point_2D_from_Lines% Algebraic estimate of intersection Point_2D from N Lines_2D
 sugr_estimation_geometric_Point_2D_from_Lines% Geometric estimate of intersection Point_2D from N Lines_2D
 sugr_estimation_ml_Point_2D_from_Lines% ML estimate of intersection Point_2D from N Lines_2D
 sugr_estimation_ml_Point_2D_from_Lines_Hessian% ML estimate of intersection Point_2D from N Lines_2D
 sugr_get_Euclidean_Point_2D% Get Euclidean coordinates with CovM
 sugr_get_isfinite_Point_2D% Test whether 2D point is finite
 sugr_ghm_cg_Point_2D_from_Lines% Determines residuals etc. for 2D point from passing lines
 sugr_ghm_cg_Point_2D_from_Lines_Hessian% Determines residuals etc. for 2D point from passing lines
 sugr_plot_Point_2D% Plot 2D point with standard ellipse
 sugr_positive_Point_2D% Change sign of 2D point if it is negative
 sugr_select_Point_2D% Select n-th point form list of points
 sugr_show_Point_2D% Show information of 2D point on console

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