Home > 04-Estimation > GMM > Functions-GMM > diagnostics_GMM_multi_d.m



% Diagnostics Gauss-Markov model multidimensional


function [vi,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,U1mq,U2m] = diagnostics_GMM_multi_d(r_U,I,d_I,Am,Cov_ll,W_ll,Cov_xx,W_xx,vv)


% Diagnostics Gauss-Markov model multidimensional

 given all parameters of a linearized estimation problem
 determine the essential diagnostic values
 assuming the number N of observations is small enough
    (requires several NxN matrices)

 r_U    = index set for parameters to be estimated (others are nuisance)
 I      = number of observational groups
 d_I    = dimension of observatioanl groups (must be the same for all)
 Am     = Jacobian
 Cov_ll = CovM of observations
 W_ll   = WeightM of observations
 Cov_xx = CovM of all estimated parameters
 W_xx   = WeightM of all estimated parameters
 vv     = residuals

 Xv     = standardized test statistics (chi^2)
 Rim    = redundancy matrices as row vectors (I * d_I^2)
 nabla_lv = lower bound for detectable outliers (maximum eigenvalue)
 muv      = sensitivity factor for all parameters
 muv1     = sensitivity factor for parameters specified by r_U
 Um1q     = diagonal blocks of \bar U_1 (numerator of muv1^2)
 Um2      = diagonal blocks of U2

 Wolfgang Förstner 10/2016


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% Diagnostics Gauss-Markov model multidimensional
0002 %
0003 % given all parameters of a linearized estimation problem
0004 % determine the essential diagnostic values
0005 % assuming the number N of observations is small enough
0006 %    (requires several NxN matrices)
0007 %
0008 % r_U    = index set for parameters to be estimated (others are nuisance)
0009 % I      = number of observational groups
0010 % d_I    = dimension of observatioanl groups (must be the same for all)
0011 % Am     = Jacobian
0012 % Cov_ll = CovM of observations
0013 % W_ll   = WeightM of observations
0014 % Cov_xx = CovM of all estimated parameters
0015 % W_xx   = WeightM of all estimated parameters
0016 % vv     = residuals
0017 %
0018 %
0019 % Xv     = standardized test statistics (chi^2)
0020 % Rim    = redundancy matrices as row vectors (I * d_I^2)
0021 % nabla_lv = lower bound for detectable outliers (maximum eigenvalue)
0022 % muv      = sensitivity factor for all parameters
0023 % muv1     = sensitivity factor for parameters specified by r_U
0024 % Um1q     = diagonal blocks of \bar U_1 (numerator of muv1^2)
0025 % Um2      = diagonal blocks of U2
0026 %
0027 %
0028 % Wolfgang Förstner 10/2016
0029 % wfoerstn@uni-bonn.de
0032 function [vi,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,U1mq,U2m] = diagnostics_GMM_multi_d...
0033     (r_U,I,d_I,Am,Cov_ll,W_ll,Cov_xx,W_xx,vv)
0035 [~,U] = size(Am);
0037 delta_0 = 4.13;  % all sizes referring to d=1.
0039 if ~isempty(r_U)
0040     % ranges
0041     r_C = r_U;
0042     r_D = setdiff(1:U,r_U);
0043     % partitioned design matrix A=[C,D]
0044     Cm = Am(:,r_C);
0045     Dm = Am(:,r_D);
0046     % reduced design matrix
0047     Cmr    = Cm - Dm * inv(W_xx(r_D,r_D)) * W_xx(r_D,r_C);  % C_reduced
0048     Cov_11 = Cov_xx(r_C,r_C);
0049 end
0050 %% observational groups
0051 Rim  = zeros(I,d_I^2);
0052 U1mq = zeros(I,d_I^2);
0053 U2m  = zeros(I,d_I^2);
0054 vi   = zeros(I,d_I);
0055 Xv   = zeros(I,1);
0056 nabla_lv = zeros(I,1);
0057 muv      = zeros(I,1);
0058 muv1     = zeros(I,1);
0059 for i=1:I
0060     % detectability, test statistics, sensitivity wrt all parameters
0061     i_range     = d_I*i-(d_I-1):d_I*i;
0062     Ai          = Am(i_range,:)';
0063     Cov_ll_ii   = Cov_ll(i_range,i_range);  % CovM of group
0064     W_ll_ii     = W_ll(i_range,i_range);    % Weight matrix of group
0065     Cov_vv_ii   = Cov_ll_ii-Ai'*Cov_xx*Ai;  % covariance matrix of resiudal
0066     W_vv_ii     = inv(Cov_vv_ii+eps);       % Weihgt matrix of residuals
0067     Rii         = Cov_vv_ii*W_ll_ii;        % redundancy matrix
0068     Rim(i,:)    = Rii(:)';                  % vectorized Rii for storing
0069     Rii_inv     = full(inv(Rii));           % inverse of redundancy matrix
0070     vi(i,:)     = vv(i_range)';             % residual of group
0071     Xv(i)       = vv(i_range)'*W_vv_ii* vv(i_range);      %#ok<*MINV>
0072     % Xhi^2-test statistic
0073     nabla_lv(i) = delta_0 * ...
0074         sqrt(real(max(eig(Rii_inv*Cov_ll_ii))));
0075     % minimum detectable outlier
0076     muv(i)      = sqrt(real(max(eig(Rii_inv-eye(d_I)))));
0077     % sensitivity factors
0079     % sensitivity wrt selected parameters range rU
0080     if ~isempty(r_U)
0081         U1q       = Cmr(i_range,:) * Cov_11  * Cmr(i_range,:)' * W_ll_ii;
0082         U1mq(i,:) = U1q(:)';
0083         U2        = Dm(i_range,:)  / W_xx(r_D,r_D)  * ...
0084             Dm(i_range,:)' * W_ll_ii;
0085         U2m(i,:)  = U2(:)';
0086         %check     = U1q + U2 + Rii-eye(d_I)         % I=U_C_bar+U_D+R
0087         %i,check-eye(d_I)
0088         muv1(i)   = sqrt(real(max(eig(U1q * Rii_inv))));
0089         % sensitivity factors
0090     else
0091         U1mq=0;
0092         U2m =0;
0093         muv1=0;
0094     end
0095 end

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