Home > General-Functions > SUGR > Plane > sugr_direct_fit_plane_centroid_form_to_points.m



% Fits a plane in centroid form to a set of 3D points


function [Xo, Q, var_q, var_phi, var_psi, est_sigma_0_2] = sugr_direct_fit_plane_centroid_form_to_points(X, CovX)


% Fits a plane in centroid form to a set of 3D points

 [Xo, Q, var_q, var_phi, var_psi] = sugr_direct_fit_plane_centroid_form_to_points(X, CovX)

 * X    = 3 x n matrix, n 3D points that lie on a plane
 * CovX = 1 x n or 3 x n or 9 x n matrix, covariance matrices of the points.
 Each column of CovX is either the variance of a point, or the diagonal/all elements of the covariance matrix of a point.

 * Xo  = 3 x 1 vector, centroid of the fitted plane
 * Q   = 3 x 3 matrix, rotation matrix of the fitted plane. N = Q(:,:,3);
 * var_q   = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of fitted plane along the normal
 * var_phi = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of X component of the normal
 * var_psi = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of Y component of the normal
 * est_sigma_0_2   = 1 x 1 scalar, estimated variance factor

 Wolfgang Förstner

 change log
 29/08/2016    wf: added est_sigma_0_2 as output
 26/08/2016    first version
 28/08/2016    CovX can now be a 1 x n, 3 x n or 9 x n matrix


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% Fits a plane in centroid form to a set of 3D points
0002 %
0003 % [Xo, Q, var_q, var_phi, var_psi] = sugr_direct_fit_plane_centroid_form_to_points(X, CovX)
0004 %
0005 % * X    = 3 x n matrix, n 3D points that lie on a plane
0006 % * CovX = 1 x n or 3 x n or 9 x n matrix, covariance matrices of the points.
0007 % Each column of CovX is either the variance of a point, or the diagonal/all elements of the covariance matrix of a point.
0008 %
0009 % * Xo  = 3 x 1 vector, centroid of the fitted plane
0010 % * Q   = 3 x 3 matrix, rotation matrix of the fitted plane. N = Q(:,:,3);
0011 % * var_q   = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of fitted plane along the normal
0012 % * var_phi = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of X component of the normal
0013 % * var_psi = 1 x 1 scalar, theoretical variance of Y component of the normal
0014 % * est_sigma_0_2   = 1 x 1 scalar, estimated variance factor
0015 %
0016 % Wolfgang Förstner
0017 % wfoerstn@uni-bonn.de
0018 %
0019 % change log
0020 % 29/08/2016    wf: added est_sigma_0_2 as output
0021 % 26/08/2016    first version
0022 % 28/08/2016    CovX can now be a 1 x n, 3 x n or 9 x n matrix
0024 function [Xo, Q, var_q, var_phi, var_psi, est_sigma_0_2] = sugr_direct_fit_plane_centroid_form_to_points(X, CovX)
0026 %% check input
0028 % check that we dont have too few arguments
0029 if nargin < 1, error('Not enough input arguments. '), end
0031 % or too many ...
0032 if nargin > 2, error('Too many input arguments'), end
0034 % otherwise we have at least points; check if they are 3D
0035 [dim, numPoints] = size(X);
0036 if dim ~= 3, error('Input should be a 3 x n matrix containing 3D points. '), end
0038 % check if we have enough points
0039 if numPoints < 3, error('At least three points are needed for plane fitting. '), end
0041 % if variances are not given use default value of 1 for all points
0042 if nargin == 1
0043     warning('A default variance of 1 will be used for all points. ')
0044     CovX = repmat(ones(3,1), 1, numPoints);
0045 end
0047 % check the form of (co)variances if given
0048 if nargin == 2
0050     [dim2, np2] = size(CovX);
0052     % check that variances are given for all points
0053     if np2 ~= numPoints, error('Number of variances does not match the number of points. '), end
0055     % if for each point only one variance value is given then all is fine
0056     if dim2 == 1
0057         CovX = repmat(CovX, 3, 1);
0059         % if for each point three variances are given then issue a warning but we can proceed
0060     elseif dim2 == 3
0061         warning('For anisotropic covariance matrices the result may not be optimal. '),
0063         % if for each point all 9 elements of a covariance matrix are given issue a warning and discard the off-diagonal elements
0064     elseif dim2 == 9
0065         warning('Off-diagonal elements of covariance matrices will be ignored. '),
0066         %CovX = CovX([1 5 9], :);
0067         CovX = repmat((CovX(1, :)+CovX(5, :)+CovX(9, :))/3,3,1);
0069         % hopefully one should never end up here!
0070     else
0071         error('Input variances/covariances should be in the form of a 1 x n, 3 x n or 9 x n matrix. '),
0072     end
0073 end
0075 %% the weights
0076 w = 1 ./ CovX;
0078 %% the weighted centroid
0079 Xo = sum(w .* X, 2) ./ sum(w, 2);
0081 %% the moment matrix
0082 M = w .* (X - repmat(Xo, 1, numPoints)) * (X - repmat(Xo, 1, numPoints))' ;
0084 %% the rotation matrix Q
0085 [Q, G] = eig(M);
0087 % sort eigenvalues in descending order
0088 [srtval, srtid] = sort(diag(G), 'descend');
0089 G = diag(srtval);
0091 % sort eigenvectors correspondingly
0092 Q = Q(:, srtid);
0094 % if Q is a reflection convert it to a rotation
0095 Q = Q*diag([1,1,det(Q)]);
0097 %% the variances of plane parameters
0098 w_bar = mean(w(:));
0100 % redundancy
0101 Red = numPoints - 3;
0103 % estimated Omega
0104 Omega = G(3,3);
0106 if Red > 0
0107     est_sigma_0_2 = Omega/Red;
0108 else
0109     est_sigma_0_2 = 1;
0110 end
0112 % theoretical variance along normal
0113 var_q   = 1 / numPoints / w_bar ;
0115 % theoretcial variance of x component of the normal
0116 var_phi = 1 / G(1, 1)  ;
0118 % theoretical variance of y component of the normal
0119 var_psi = 1 / G(2, 2)  ;

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